The Triple Crown Of Leadership
Featured / LeadershipWith the avalanche of information and technological change, an understanding of what creates effective leadership is continually being challenged. How does one lead in the threshold of social media, an ever expansive cyber world, and abundant moral relativity? What principles of leadership can a leader utilize to unite their followers, create an organizational culture where people believe they are coming to work for something greater than themselves, and where in their work and family ....
READ MORETAGS: vulnerability / humility / transparency / leadership / authenticity / selflessness / growth / gratitude / perspective / perseverance /
Core Values
Thanksgiving - A Time For Humble Reflection
Featured / Core ValuesWhat are you thankful for? Is it what you have, who you love, where you live, your spirit, your health or a combination of all the above? Have you ever asked yourself, who is thankful for me? Although that question may appear self serving it is not as self-centric as you may think. It is a personal assessment of your value to others. When the question is answered with humility rather than egotistically it becomes a selfless approach toward your value to the world around you. If you believe you ....
READ MORETAGS: humility / selflessness / gratitude / family / values /