Disappointed? - Always Carry On
Featured /Why is there disappointment? I am constantly baffled thinking I understand the reality in front of me only to have that understanding be completely incorrect, resulting in disappointment. To work hard with the belief you are doing the right thing, for the right reasons, to reach the right outcome only to have all that effort shattered by the unexpected is ultimate disappointment. Disappointment is defined as, “the feeling of sadness or displeasure ....
Professionalism - Establshing Your Emotional Patience
Featured /How do you define your level of professionalism? Is it based on your patience, performance under pressure, manners, personal charisma, beliefs, or is it a deeper sense of awareness and commitment to take the high road in all you do? Certainly how you physically and emotionally handle yourself under stress and pressure, and how you effectively communicate in the midst of any stress and pressure contributes to an understanding of how ....
Common Core Standards - An Educational Concern
Featured /Allow me to preface my following comments on the state of our local educational systems. The stand on which I am about to take is not an attack on those who teach and do their best to educate and support our children each day. I, like many of you have witnessed the dedication, commitment and perseverance of teachers, administrators, civil service employees and support staff doing the best they can to collectively provide a quality education and ....
A Little Consideration - Makes a Big Difference
Featured /To be considerate of another is to be respectful of humanity. As a society, are we becoming less considerate? With technology dominating so much of our time and attention, and the continued trend toward greater face-to-smartphone interaction rather than face-to-face interaction, what do you believe the answer to be? Considerate is defined as, "showing kindly awareness or regard for another's feelings, circumstances, etc." How considerate is ....
Regrets - Time to Take Out the Trash
Featured /If there is one area of your emotional thought process that stifles personal and professional development beyond all others, it is to be continually regretful for the perceived and actual mistakes you have made. You cannot change the past, nor is it beneficial to use regrets as excuses for not being the person you can be today. Mistakes are made, dysfunctions are created and insecurities generated, but to be consumed by what wasn’t depletes the ....